Saturday, June 19, 2010

My feelings will never come to the end

GOD is the one who create us and GOD is the one who have the rights to take our life. All is in god hands.I am just a mortal, I don't have the power to change everything. Wish I could, but is impossible. Why not face the problem bravely? Why want to hide my feelings in my heart? I am sure everyone gone through this feeling in their life before, not only I am the one.

Since that day i got the news from the doctor, i was shocked why this sickness became so serious? Why didn't realize it early? Until become so terrible only the the truth? Why i feel that this is similar than brother case.. He is not at here anymore, he already left us 5 years ago....How am i supposed to accept this? GOD, please tell me what should I do?

I know i must be strong to face this...There is no another way to go anymore. May God bless us.....Suddenly I feel that my mood was so down.....:((

College Foundation course life

回想过去。我永远都记得,我是在二零零九年七月二十九日进大学。也在那天开始了我的大学生活。刚开始时,很不习惯大学里的建构。总觉得想要回家。但是在ORENTATION DAY 那天,却让我认识了很多新朋友。他们都来自各种不同的国家。有来自印度,印尼,中国,Iran, Russia, Korea, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Arab, Oman and many more... 认识到这么多朋友,我的确很开心。过了一个星期后,课就开始了。我第一个学期的班很好而且又很开心。每个人都很好。而且我也常跟一班的朋友去看电影,出去玩。但在第二个学期,很多事和人都变了。有些朋友还是跟以前一样那么好,但有些就不了。他们开始泡夜店,抽烟,完全变成另外个人似的。不过,我们只能劝告他们,都帮不了什么忙。但在这第三个学期里,我所有的朋友都很好。我已经远离那些变坏了的朋友。而且,FOUNDATION COURSE 已经快要玩了。我还振部舍得。因为我真的学到了很多事。也过得很快乐。人生中难得有几回。这句话我总算相信了。我们的确该珍惜眼前人。所有快乐的回忆都会一直在我脑海中。我决对不会忘记。希望我们每个人都一直过着快乐的日子。往梦想前进。哈哈。